
Announcement of APEC-TSUKUBA International Conference V, 17-20 February 2011

 Recently, I am too busy getting ready for the conference "APEC-TSUKUBA International Confernece V, 17-20 February, 2011".
Dear all,
This is the announcement for all of you to a significant event called "APEC-TSUKUBA International Conference V" schedule on February 19-20, Saturday and Sunday in Tsukuba University International Conference room (Daigaku Kaikan). http://www.criced.tsukuba.ac.jp/math/apec/apec2011/

The targets of the conference are as follows:

Q1. How do you use your textbooks in your country?
Sharing the methods of teaching with textbooks and knowing theories on curriculum and textbooks
Q2. How can we use our textbooks meaningfully?
Elaborating the model approaches using textbooks to develop mathematical thinking and communication
Q3. How do you use blackboards and projectors in your country?
Sharing the various ways of utilizing traditional equipments in classroom such as blackboards as well as projectors and computers
Q4. How can we innovate our teaching approaches for teachers?
Knowing the innovative tools to develop e-textbooks and sharing the methods of teaching

The conference focuses on mathematics. At the same time, these topics are meaningful further subjects, educational technology and ICT education on the context of lesson study.

一般公開は、19, 20日@筑波大学・大学会館。


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